Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Shed re-float and ducks and smelt!

Well the shed was a little heavier than we thought and the back side was leaning in the water.  So we called TC diving and they placed 5 billets (foam blocks) under the shed and 2 under my dock.  It leveled everything out.  We finished the sides and flashing on the roof and I started the electrical process and installing water lines.  But we have a St. Patty day weekend party at MCYC.

Had to put two white barrels under the back of the shed to keep it above the water

Car carrier ship in the main Columbia River

Got floatation and don't need these anymore

The diver.  The water was high and a bad current

Stacking the billets

Putting a billet on the corner of the dock

Shed is floating high and dry!

Each billet can support 750lbs.  This weight is 720lbs.  When placed in the water, it floats just enough where the diver can dunk it under the dock.  Once placed, a quick release is pulled and the weight goes to the bottom of the river and a winch pulls it back up.

Placing the billet under the shed

Pushing it under war

Placing it under the shed

Blue bill duck.  What is going on over there?

I'm outta here....

Now the shed is level, we can finish up on the shed

Helping the experts

Great sunny day

Who me?

Of course I'll have a scotch!!!

Jerry and Ron putting up the last of the trim

Muddy and high water

Looking good!

What do those little line mean? mmmmm

I did it, I did it!!!!

No longer in the water!

The float boat....

Trash coming down river.

Have to fish!  Live to fish

Go away this boat is now mine!  Mine I say!

Setting the door

Inside laying out electrical where the washer, dryer and frig is going

Main electric box

smelt or as we call it Sturgeon bait!

Trash and ducks

lots of ducks

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