Monday, May 27, 2013

Log Pond 2013 Part 2

Had a great day yesterday as the weather was nice with just a little rain.  I held a flare safety class in which club members had the opportunity to shoot off flares.  We all found out that most of us, even though we carry flares had never shot them off.  We also found out there were some flares we did not like such as the ones you pull the chain on as they will  leak hot stuff onto your hand.  We had some dinghy races and I tried to keep up but I only had a 5hp motor.  Kay we need a bigger dink and motor! Dan, Cindy, Jon and Benny all went kayaking.  Well as always happens with Dan it is always an adventure.  He dropped his phone in the water and went in to get it, while Cindy went in at the dock trying to get out of het kayak.  After pissing on himself (cellophane over his toilet) he only had one set of cloths left!  We had a great Mexican theme dinner and sat around the propane camp fire and had a great party.  Woke up this morning to driving rain and hard winds.  It will be interesting getting out of here today with the condition of the dock.
 Flare instructions

 No none knows what kind of flare this is.  Do you?

 Showing Benny.  He did a great job.

 We were expecting the red signal flares to shoot out something, but nothing did!  There are just expensive road flares...

Stef aiming at a duck!!

Somewhere in this pic is a red flare...

Crew of the "Boat"
 This is a great pic. Loraine in a fish bowl

 Jon and his kayak


 The Boat
 Cest La Vie

 Not Blue

 This morning. Very nasty

Sunday, May 26, 2013

For Memorial Day

How appropriate for memorial day!  My friend Ron Evan took this at the Tacoma Yacht Club.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Great Day Memorial Day weekend part 2 Log Pond

Woke up by cows upset cause the bird would not move.  It was mostly cloudy skies and as it progressed it go warmer and we got blue sky.  We turned the a few boats to stern tie them and welcomed some more club members.  We have about 15 boats in the log pond.  Jerry and LJ came by on their way to Sand island and I met them in the middle of the Columbia River in m y dink for a horse trade.  Left over crab chowder for 2 dozen cookies.  Then this evening the club all got together for the dinghy pot luck dinner.  This has been a 17 year tradition.  Everyone gets together on their dinks all tied up together and everyone brings a dish.  Great fun.  Then I took Kay to "love" canal and trolled a little were she caught a real nice small mouth bass, her first on the Columbia (no pics because we forgot the camera).  All in all a great day.

 Dumb ass cows
 Dan figured out he couldn't get to shore
Getting ready for dink ride
 Little blow boats
 The group!

 Entrance to "Love Canal."

 Opens up to a nice pond

 Old duck blind

 Kay and her flowers

 Yep it was that nice today
Trying a paddle board
 Dink JR
 Don't Aussies know how to surf?
Maybe not
 Nap time

 The party

 mmmm good


 17 year dinghy pot luck tradition
 Some even dress for the occation

 The club....

 If you notice Jon and Cindy with a formal table, table cloth, flowers and fine wine